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Learn English

1. Numbers, Colours and Languages Preface 2 Preface 3 Preface 4 Preface 6 Preface 5 II. Unit 1.1 Opening Empty 2. Nationalities III. Unit 1.2 3. Personal relationships and professions 4. Means of communicationContinue readingLearn English

Learn Spanish

  Tema 1 1 Nacionalidades Relaciones personales y profesiones Medios de comunicación Tema 2 Nociones de tiempo I Nociones cuantitativas I Nociones de tiempo II Nociones de tiempo III TemaContinue readingLearn Spanish

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With Lexicon beginner, you can learn around 1.000 words in five different languages.

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Showcase the best feature of your business on the Hero Content Section. The new multipurpose WordPress theme allows you to underscore your best post.

Page, category, or custom in a way that is elegant and attention-grabbing. Displaying the best assets and products of your website with the Hero Content feature will help you promote and grow.

Soon more levels and words.