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With Lexicon beginner, you can learn around 1.000 words in five different languages.

Cooming soon

Showcase the best feature of your business on the Hero Content Section. The new multipurpose WordPress theme allows you to underscore your best post.

Page, category, or custom in a way that is elegant and attention-grabbing. Displaying the best assets and products of your website with the Hero Content feature will help you promote and grow.

Soon more levels and words.

Lexicon study

Lexicon allows you to study words in different ways

  1. “help”
  • You can now say start or next to move to the next example. Or say random to get a random example. Say Options to get the available steps.
  1. “options”
  • Say next to give next in order example. Repeat, to repeat the word. Random, to give the next random example. View current subcategory, to give the next random example and Next category, to move forward.


  1. “next theme” / “next category” / “another theme”
  1. “start” / “next” / “another” / “repeat”  / “random” / “shuffle”
  • ser de. to be from.
  1. “phrase”
  • I am from Spain.
  1.  “spanish word” *
  • ser de
  1. “english word” *
  • to be from
  1. “spanish frase” *
  • Soy de España.
  1. “english phrase” *
  • I am from Spain.
  1. “current example”
  • ????

* Or one of the languages of your learning (From English, French, Spanish, Italian or German).