Honor Code

Our honor code highlights Books4Lanuages’ values and is usually agreed upon by partners, teachers, students and parents

Students Honor Code

All students participating in the class must agree to abide by the following code:

  • I will register for only one account unless expressly permitted to register for additional accounts by Books4Languages.
  • My answers to homework, quizzes, exams, projects, and other assignments will be my own work (except for assignments that explicitly permit collaboration).
  • I will not make solutions to homework, quizzes, exams, projects, and other assignments available to anyone else (except to the extent an assignment explicitly permits sharing solutions). This includes both solutions written by me, as well as any solutions provided by the course staff or others.
  • I will not engage in any other activities that will dishonestly improve my results or dishonestly improve or hurt the results of others.

Teachers Honor code

Teacher Expected behaviour

Every Teacher is responsible for their own behaviour. In all Books4Languages projects, spaces and events, behaviour will be founded in respect, civility, collegiality, solidarity and good citizenship. This applies to all Teachers and participants in their interaction with all Teachers and participants, without expectations based on age, mental or physical disabilities, physical appearance, national, religious, ethnic and cultural background, caste, social class, language fluency, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex or career field. Nor will we make exceptions based on standing, skills or accomplishments in the Books4Languages projects or movement.

Mutual respect

We expect all Teachers to show respect for others. In communicating with people, whether in online or offline Books4Languages environments, we will treat each other with mutual respect.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • Practice empathy. Listen and try to understand what Teachers of different backgrounds want to tell you. Be ready to challenge and adapt your own understanding, expectations and behaviour as a Wikimedian.
  • Assume good faith, and engage in constructive edits; your collaborations should improve the quality of the project or work. Provide and receive feedback kindly and in good faith. Criticism should be delivered in a sensitive and constructive manner. All Teachers should assume unless evidence otherwise exists that others are here to collaboratively improve the projects, but this should not be used to justify statements with a harmful impact.
  • Respect the way that collaborators name and describe themselves. People may use specific terms to describe themselves. As a sign of respect, use these terms when communicating with or about these people, where linguistically or technically feasible.
  • During in-person meetings, we will be welcoming to everyone and we will be mindful and respectful of each others’ preferences, boundaries, sensibilities, traditions and requirements.

Civility, collegiality, mutual support and good citizenship

We strive towards the following behaviours:

  • Civility is politeness in behaviour and speech amongst people, including strangers.
  • Collegiality is the friendly support that people engaged in a common effort extend to each other.
  • Mutual support and good citizenship means taking active responsibility for ensuring that the Books4Languages projects are productive, pleasant and safe spaces, and contribute to the Books4Languages mission.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • Mentorship and coaching: Helping newcomers to find their way and acquire essential skills.
  • Looking out for fellow collaborators: Lend them a hand when they need support, and speak up for them when they are treated in a way that falls short of expected behaviour as per the Universal Code of Conduct.
  • Recognize and credit the work done by collaborators: Thank them for their help and work. Appreciate their efforts and give credit where it is due.

Teacher Unacceptable behavior

The following behaviours are considered unacceptable within the Books4Languages movement:

Remember, Content must not exploit crises or controversial political or social issues.

Criminal record

This includes but is not limited to sexual offences, crimes of violence, crimes of dishonesty including fraud or embezzlement, offences relating to possession or supply of illegal drugs and any offences against children or which raised concern with regard to child protection.


This includes any behaviour intended primarily to intimidate, outrage or upset a person, or any behaviour where this would reasonably be considered the most likely main outcome. Behaviour can be considered harassment if it is beyond what a reasonable person would be expected to tolerate in a global, intercultural environment. Harassment often takes the form of emotional abuse, especially towards people who are in a vulnerable position, and may include contacting workplaces or friends and family members in an effort to intimidate or embarrass. In some cases, behavior that would not rise to the level of harassment in a single case can become harassment through repetition. Harassment includes but is not limited to: Insults, Sexual harassment, Threats, Encouraging harm to others, Disclosure of personal data (Doxing), Hounding, Trolling…

Content vandalism and abuse of the projects

Deliberately introducing biased, false, inaccurate or inappropriate content, or hindering, impeding or otherwise hampering the creation (and/or maintenance) of content. This includes but is not limited to:

  • The repeated arbitrary or unmotivated removal of any content without appropriate discussion or providing explanation
  • Systematically manipulating content to favour specific interpretations of facts or points of view (also by means of unfaithful or deliberately false rendering of sources and altering the correct way of composing editorial content)
  • Hate speech in any form, or discriminatory language aimed at vilifying, humiliating, inciting hatred against individuals or groups on the basis of who they are or their personal beliefs
  • The use of symbols, images, categories, tags or other kinds of content that are intimidating or harmful to others outside of the context of encyclopedic, informational use. This includes imposing schemes on content intended to marginalize or ostracize.

Controversial content

Content must not exploit crises or controversial political or social issues.

Partners Honor Code

Means Books4Languages’s code containing its expectations for our business partners in the areas of business integrity, labor practices, anti-corruption, health and safety, environmental impact, diversity and inclusion