Licence to use

Users (and Contributors) have defined permissions based on the type of user license they have (Interpretation at the bottom of the page):

  • Copyright
    • for Visitors (Non-Registered Users), the content is protected by Copyright.
  • Basic license
    • for Students/Teachers/Authors/Collaborators (Register Users), the content is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) as a Basic license.
  • Extended license
    • for extended rights Authors/Collaborators (Registered users who have received prior authorization), the selected content is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) as an Extended license.
  • Editorial License
    • for commercial use (Registered users who have received prior authorization), the selected content is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) as an Editorial License.

If you require a specific license, go here.

for Visitors:

In accordance with the legal provisions relating to copyright and related rights, all Contents and information presented herein, are protected by the laws of copyright and related rights, according to which, they cannot be photocopied, reproduced digitally or physically, totally or partially modified or communicated publicly, under the consequence of being civilly and criminally liable for infringement of copyright.

If you want to use Books4Languages’ copyrighted Content in any way, you must first get permission from us (ideally in written form).

Books4Languages also offers Resource Postings created by Books4Languages Users. Such Content may be received by visitors with a different license.

for Students/Teachers/Authors/Collaborators:
Basic license

By exercising the Licensed Rights (defined below), You accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License (“Public License”). To the extent this Public License may be interpreted as a contract, You are granted the Licensed Rights in consideration of Your acceptance of these terms and conditions, and the Licensor grants You such rights in consideration of benefits the Licensor receives from making the Licensed Material available under these terms and conditions.

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.

The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Interpretation at the bottom of the page.
NoDerivatives — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Frequently Asked Questions about Creative Commons license here.

This is a human-readable summary of (and not a substitute for) the license.

Suggested Attribution

See also the Creative Commons FAQ on attribution, and also best practices for attribution.

Redistributing the book verbatim:

This [NAME OF THE BOOK] material is created by the Books4Languages Team; it is edited by Antonio D., and produced with support from the Books4Languages Community. The original is freely available under the terms of the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license at

for Authors/Collaborators:
Extended license

By exercising the Licensed Rights (defined below), You accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License (“Public License”). To the extent this Public License may be interpreted as a contract, You are granted the Licensed Rights in consideration of Your acceptance of these terms and conditions, and the Licensor grants You such rights in consideration of benefits the Licensor receives from making the Licensed Material available under these terms and conditions.

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material.

The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Interpretation at the bottom of the page.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Frequently Asked Questions about Creative Commons license here.

This is a human-readable summary of (and not a substitute for) the license.

If you require a specific license, go here.


Suggested Attribution

See also the Creative Commons FAQ on attribution, and also best practices for attribution.

Revised or adapted versions:

This material is a [revised/adapted] version of [NAME OF THE BOOK], an original work by the Books4Languages Team; edited by Antonio D. and produced with support from the Books4Languages Community. The original is freely available under the terms of the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license at

Individual revised or adapted chapters or pieces:

This material is a [revised/adapted] version of an original work by the Books4Languages Team; in [NAME OF THE BOOK], edited by Antonio D., and produced with support from the Books4Languages Community. The original is freely available under the terms of the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license at

for Organizations:
Editorial license

By exercising the Licensed Rights (defined below), You accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Attribution 4.0 International Public License (“Public License”). To the extent this Public License may be interpreted as a contract, You are granted the Licensed Rights in consideration of Your acceptance of these terms and conditions, and the Licensor grants You such rights in consideration of benefits the Licensor receives from making the Licensed Material available under these terms and conditions.

The Editorial license allows the commercial use of the Content in magazines, articles & content, Textbooks, books & eBooks, for sale/distribution in Printed / Online / Multimedia based Educational materials & companion CDs.

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Frequently Asked Questions about Creative Commons license here.

This is a human-readable summary of (and not a substitute for) the license.

If you require a specific license, go here.


For the avoidance of doubt:

Non-commercial use means that users may not sell, profit from, or commercialize Books4Languages’ materials or works derived from them. That said, we have found that there are certain “grey areas” in interpreting the non-commercial provision of Creative Commons license. The guidelines below are intended to help users determine whether or not their use of Books4Languages’ materials would be permitted under the “non-commercial” restriction. Note that there are additional requirements (attribution and share alike) spelt out in our license.

Commercialization is prohibited. Users may not directly sell or profit from Books4Languages’ materials or from works derived from Books4Languages’ materials.

Example: A commercial education or training business may not offer courses based on Books4Languages’ materials if students pay a fee for those courses and the business intends to profit as a result.

Determination of commercial vs. non-commercial purpose is based on the use, not the user. Materials may be used by individuals, institutions, governments, corporations, or other business whether for-profit or non-profit so long as the use itself is not a commercialization of the materials or a use that is directly intended to generate sales or profit.

Example: A corporation may use Books4Languages’ materials for internal professional development and training purposes.

Incidental charges to recover reasonable reproduction costs may be permitted. Recovery of nominal actual costs for copying small amounts (under 100 copies) of Books4Languages’ content on paper or CDs is allowed for educational purposes so long as there is no profit motive and so long as the intended use of the copies is in compliance with all license terms. Students must be informed that the materials are freely available on the Books4Languages’ site and that their purchase of copied materials is optional.

Example: An institution in a remote area has limited Internet access and limited network infrastructure on campus and a professor offers to create CDs of Books4Languages’ materials relevant to his/her course. The professor may recover the costs of creating the CDs.

Exceptions for education and teaching:

License request

If you require a specific license, go here.

If you plan on adapting the book, or parts of the book, indicate if changes are made and be sure to attribute the original creators as required by the license.

The Content in Books4Languages books are all original works, copyright of their authors, who have agreed to release these works under the CC license. If you would like to make revisions or adaptations, please be mindful that according to the terms of the license, you must not do so in a way that suggests the original authors agree with the changes you have made. Minor spelling or typo changes usually do not count as revisions or adaptations, according to the CC license.